Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tranquil Moments

When I moved to San Antonio a year ago, one of my first stops was Memories By the Yard, my LQS.  I was trying to find a way to get quilting friends, so I signed up for one of their quarterly mystery classes.  They last from 4pm until midnight, and it's also a potluck dinner.  Y'all, I've been addicted ever since.  This last go-round, we had to bring a jelly roll and a fat quarter, so I knew this was gunna be a big 'un. (Have I mentioned I'm from Texas?)

I picked up my jelly roll and a couple yards of the feature fabric (which oddly enough is not in the jelly roll) when I was in Rogers, Arkansas at The Rabbit's Lair in March.  I've been admiring it ever since.  It's Moda Tranquility.  When I found out we needed the jelly roll for the class, all I had to do was order the layer cake, and I was done.

These classes are so much fun.  We crank up the music, share seam rippers, sing, and sew until we turn into pumpkins.  I wish we could do this monthly.  Most of the same people are still with us.  When we started, each mystery class was offered once, but now our teacher Martha has to offer each class three times and you have to get a spot way in advance. . . months in advance actually.

So, here's what I made this time.  Girls, it's huge.  It's the biggest darn quilt I've ever made.  I finished this top at the retreat, too.  I had the blocks done, but I did all that setting nonsense & borders the first retreat night.  The last couple of pics were taken at the quilt shop, the night of the mystery class.  Luckily, to the retreat I brought one of my friend's portable design walls that she had bought at Quilt Festival in Houston.  The design wall was so helpful, so a big thanks to Vickie, my best mystery quilt friend:-)

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas my Sweet Friend. You may keep the design wall. And congratulations Miz Graduate.
