Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I heart the mail man [sic].

It was definitely a good mail day!  First up, a Kona color card I won over at The Purl Bee.  Just think, they were busy moving into their new space, and they still found time to stick my prize in the mail.  Thanks, guys!  BTW, have you seen the pics of their new shop?  I'm dying to visit.  Makes me want to do some if I don't have a bajillion bindings to do.
Also, remember how I said I needed to find a way for my quilting addiction to pay for itself?  Well, I ordered mini moo cards after I saw how cute Carla Barrett's were.  All business people have cards, right?  Yes, I needed some. First I saw the cute box which whispered, "Open them. Quick!"
And I did.  I love that they put a little divider for "mine" and "theirs."  That's so optimistic!  They think I'm going to have friends who have  mini moo cards:-)  If you have one, will you send it to me?  That way I can have at least one behind the tab!
But then I pulled out the little cards (they are only 3x1 inches!!).
Yes, those are pictures of my quilts on the back, with my detail information on the front.  Aren't those moo people clever?!  They are also very affordable.  (No, they aren't my sponsors.)  They also estimated that it would take almost two weeks.  Nope.  They arrived in one.  I went to the mailbox thinking I'd get grocery ads, but no, I got moo cards.  Yea, me!
I think the cards are working, too, despite the fact that I haven't passed out a single one.  Yes, people have been paying me to quilt lately.  Heck, I just thought if I put "professional" that people would assume it was true since "rookie" longarm quilter seems less enticing.  Oh, well!  Anyway, I just feel like such a big girl!


  1. Those cards are fabulous! I might have to get me some of them! How do you think "Professional Wife and Mom who squeezes in time to quilt and knit and crochet" sounds?


  2. Awesome cards with some gorgeous quilts on them. Good luck and go get em.


  3. Love the Moo cards!! Not too expensive, plus we can put photos on it, too. If you are going to MQS, we can trade cards, otherwise, I will send you one when I get back. LOL Happy Quilting, Carla

  4. I just bought a Kona card too! I saw it out there somewhere in the interworld and I couldn't resist all those little squares in rainbow order!

    Love your cards, those are so cute! And you totally made me laugh "rookie" longarmer. Of course, that makes it sounds like a baseball position.

  5. I'm jealous!! I want mini moo cards too!! Good luck with your quilting!!

  6. Love the little cards. I think having business cards even when you start out is sooo important - it shows confidence in what you do!

  7. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh! I want some too, they are so nicely done. Please send Mimi one in the mail. I wish I had some too

  8. haha! maybe novice longarm quilter would be better?

    best wishes with your business!

  9. beautiful!

    how fun are these! this is why you're getting commissions, not the cards (yet!), but the beautiful work you do!


  10. Your business cards look wonderful! Way to go on the professional bit--it pays off to stand confidently no matter what!

  11. Danielle, I hope your business continues to prosper. Your quilts are terrific. This is my first visit to your blog, but I plan to visit more often. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary
