Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Two Steps Forward

Because my blue stash is out of control, I decided to make a scrappy blue quilt.  After finding the pattern that was just perfect for a quick little quilt, I ran to the fabric store to buy four yards of Kona (have no idea what the color is) to go with my scraps.   And then I started cutting and cutting and cutting strips of medium blues. (I can't follow directions, so I just start cutting and stop when I'm out.  Consequently, I never know what sizes my quilts will be.)

This quilt is from February's American Patchwork & Quilting, and I knew exactly who needed this quilt, one of my good friends from high school who just moved back to Texas from NYC.  This quilt will complement one of his paintings perfectly.  You know how I said that I never know what size a quilt will be because I quit sewing when I run out of fabric?  Well, this is the first time I've ever asked someone what size they'd want.  And now I know why.  You guessed it.  King size.  Why not.  It's not like I don't have a ton of blue fabric and a ton of time on my hands.

So guess what I've been doing lately?  I've been sewing these blocks for almost a month (not exclusively, mind you).  And I'm so tired of blue.  Tonight, though, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel.  My calculations were almost accurate.  I started to celebrate as I squared up the last of my needed 150 blocks. and realized I only had 145.  I was too defeated to sew the remaining five tonight.

The good news is that these are the only strips I have left.  Just enough to finish the quilt.  Oh, and the four yards I bought to use up my stash (yes, two steps forward, two steps back)?  I only have 2/3 yard left- hopefully enough for a binding:-)

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